Hey Everyone, Slightly unrelated to music lessons, but still relevant information for y'all.
There has been some new music published that I've been involved in. I wanted to take a moment and share these links so you can follow through and hear the arts.
First one I'd like to mention is Jarrod Lawson is in the process of releasing a new album. There have been two singles released thus far.
The title track is Be The Change
The second track is Embrace What We Are
I'm really excited about this record dropping. There is going to be a wave of enthusiasm as it is released at the end of this month.
The second artist I'd like to mention is Karma. Years ago we got to share time together working on jazz voicings and chord progressions. We were connected by a mutual friend and eventually recorded together. This tune was released last month. You can listen to Hold On Me and get a clear sense of how wonderfully authentic this woman is. It was a real treat to get to know her and hear about her life story. Check out her discography, she's been very prolific.
Thanks for tuning in.
