Hey there folks!
I’m truly excited to open up a new program to the public. Every second Monday of the month at 7pm I'll be releasing a new interview with musicians where we discuss some of the concepts that orbit around musicianship. I’ve been compiling outlooks on music from artists and I want to invite you on the journey through the minds of our creatives. Let’s listen to our musicians reflect on their craft. These are the people who are capable of giving out sounds that resonate in the intellects of society.
I hope that this show re-engages the masses into the active witnessing to music. I want to bring listeners back to the recognition of what value music provides to the human experience. We’ll hear insights into a diversity of backgrounds and get recommendations from various genres. Let’s become aware of what is subjective about the art of sound. There are some great musicians coming up! Tune in to Chris Friesen’s Sonority Sessions.
Thanks for your support!
Christopher Friesen
