Hello folks,
Here is a brief lesson on bass lines in the rock and roll style. CCR had huge success and Fortunate Son is a solid song that has a lot to say lyrically. I think it's important to acknowledge the rhythmic responsibility of this instrument. A very strong majority of this song is eighth notes providing rhythmic momentum. It is hugely important that we subdivide the beat into two pieces as evenly as possible.
The chord structure is simple enough that if we do much else than playing the root motion we start to get in the way. There are two exceptions in this line where we step away from the root. In those instances we start on the major third of the chord and walk up chromatically to the next chord's root.
This is a great piece to practice reading to. So often we get accustomed to reading tabs and shrugging off the staff. See if you can take advantage of the simplicity to navigate the bass clef.
Once you grasp the two chord progressions moving between them should be fairly achievable. Focus on locking in with the drums. See if you can have creative say by leaning into certain notes more than others. Practice accenting each of the subdivisions. 1, then the & of 1, 2, then the & of 2 and so on. Articulation goes a long ways with a line like this.
There is an opportunity to focus on where in the beat you sit. Time feel has a front, middle and back of the beat. See if you have enough control to rush slightly, drag slightly and sit right in the center.
You can download the sheet music here.
Till next time,
