Hey there folks! Here is a bass lesson focused on Rockabilly. It takes a jazzy chord progression and adds some of the feeling of early Rock and roll. It's a swung rhythmic feel. Ideally get used to feeling the underlying subdivision of triplets. (long short, long short, long short, long short) Brian Sezter was a part of the group called the Stray Cats. This line is played by Lee Rocker on the upright bass. It's a great example of how quarter notes can dominate a line without lacking. Very few eighth notes pepper Lee's approach. Listen to how the bass is using arpeggios (chord tones) and scales to connect the progression.
Give it a listen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEtbfzMLVWU&list=RDvEtbfzMLVWU&index=1
Enjoy the practice! Keep playing!